About Dr. Murmann

dentist300Dr. Murmann grew up in Columbia Missouri and graduated from high school in 1976. He went Monmouth College right here in Monmouth Illinois graduating with a Chemistry degree in 1980. 5 years later after attending dental school in Kansas City Dr. Murmann returned to Monmouth and started his dental practice in 1985 . His 3 children having benefited from small town living are now grown and living in the midweststeve with teeth 450.

Dr. Murmann is a member of the American Dental Association, International Association of Orthodontics, Illinois State Dental Society and Academy of General Dentistry.

Our practice focuses on orthodontics, prevention, cosmetics, reconstructive implants, crown & bridgework, and the overall dental health of our patients.

On a personal front, Dr. Murmann enjoys golf, fishing and sailing.


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